Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Gigs in 2008

Just thought it might be of some doubtful use to create a record of all the gigs I go to in 2008, so nobody can accuse me of being a stay at home loafer.

1) Detrimentum, Bloodwork, Scythian @ Bar Monsta - 26.01.08

2) Dead Existence @ Unicorn - 2.02.08

3) Primordial, Grand Magus @ Underworld - 2.02.08

4) Master, Nebukadnezza, Scythian, Anoxia @ Underworld - 4.02.08

5) Ritual Abuse @ Metal Mass, The Grosvenor - 16.02.08

6) Gamarra, Brainchoke, Hyperion, Primitive Graven Image @ Bar Monsta - 22.02.08

7) My Silent Wake, Nebukadnezza, Drottnar @ Bar Monsta - 23.02.08

8) Bludgeon, Terrordrome, Defeated Sanity @ Chinnery's, Southend - 4.03.08

9) Elimination, Damnas, Dr Death, Heretic @ Purple Turtle. 12/03/08

10) Ale Storm, Norther, Turisas @ Electric Ballroom 13/03/08

11) Bludgeon, Hovadah, Putrefy, Inhumate @ Purple Turtle 15/03/08

12) Active Slaughter, Asmodia, The River @ Bar Monsta 22/03/08

13) Nightwish @ The Astoria 26/03/08

14) Divine Chaos, Anoxia, Surrounded by Disgust, Flesh Rot @ Purple Turtle 31.03.08

15) Eluvitie, Moonsorrow, Korpiklaani, Ensiferum (Paganfest) @ Koko 6.04.08

16) Xandria, Stoneman (who were shit) @ The Underworld 7.04.08

17) Gama Bomb, Evile, Exodus @ The Underworld 8.04.08

18) Dead Existence, Surrounded by Disgust, Nebukadnezza @ Lark in the Park 10.04.08

19) Mercenary, Death Angel @ The Underworld 15.04.08

20) Hang the Bastard, Pombagira, Lesbian @ Bar Monsta 21.04.08

21) Danger, Silence the Wolves, Evil Eye @ Bar Monsta 22.04.08

22) River Freshney, Inner Rage, Chaos Blood, Rosewest @ Purple Turtle 23.04.08

23) Severed Heaven, Savage Messiah, Nemhain @ Rocket Complex 24.04.08

24) Desolation, Cloven Hoof @ Bar Monsta 25.04.08

25) Revenge, Arkhon Infaustus, Angel Corpse @ Electrowerkz 26.04.08

26) Hovadah, Empty Feeling, Onanizer @ The Loaded Dog 27.04.08

27) Intense, Blitzkrieg @ The Underworld 30.04.08

28) ???, Ahysma, Jecano, Blood Island Raiders @ Fiddler's Elbow 2.05.08

29) Empathy, Damnas, Circle of Tyrants @ Bar Monsta 3.05.08

30) Ultimate Trigger Mechanism, Necrosadistic Goat Torture, Nailed @ Bar Monsta 16.05.08

31) Conquest of Steel, Dream Evil @ The Underworld 29.05.08

32) Doctor Death, River Freshney, Mutant, Damnas @ The Quad, LSE 5.06.08

33) ??, The Devils, BlackOut @ Bar Monsta 6.06.08

34) Deathfest: Brainchoke, Detrimentum, Infestation, Emeth, Grind Inc, Unmerciful, Decrepit Birth, Cryptopsy @ The Underworld 7.06.08

35) Anger Management, Nebukadnezza, Gama Bomb, Warbringer @ The Underworld 9.06.08

36) AlmaMorta, 9 Days Down, Silence is Spoken, Carnal Rites @ The Underworld 12.06.08

37) Anoxia, Chokehold, De Profundis @ The Unicorn 20.06.08

38) Dantes Ascenscion, Dead Existence @ Bar Monsta 22.06.08

39) Trigger The Bloodshed, Burning Skies, Anterior, Dying Fetus @ The Underworld 23.06.08

40) Endless Torment, Achren, Daemonolith @ Bar Monsta 27.06.08

41) Breedapart, Nochaa, The Berzerker @ The Underworld 2.07.08

42) Ted Maul, The Rotted @ Bar Academy 5.07.08

43) Unleash & ????? @ Victoria Biker's Pub, Coalville, Leicestershire 18.07.08

44) Slaughterday Fest: Ligature, Dead Existence, Sons of Merrick, Inner Rage, Olde Crone, Mutant, Crowning Glory, Dam @ Purple Turtle 20.07.08

45) Anchorhead, Tesseract, To-Mera @ The Underworld 24.07.08

46) The Devils, Drown Your Own, Bladestorm, Meantime @ The Unicorn 25.07.08

47) Metalbrew 5: Bluesmiths, Ten Ton Tabby, Xiphon, Doctor Death, Dead Existence, Damnas, Dark Forest, Mutant, Pagan Altar, Cloven Hoof @ Mill Hill Rugby Club 26.07.08

48) Never Means Maybe, Doctor Death, Nebukadnezza, Gama Bomb @ Bar Monsta 28.07.08

49) Ninehertz Alldayer: Rachmanite, White Fang, Olde Crone, Grifter, A Horse Called War, Cherry Choke, End of Level Boss, Gentlemans Pistols @ The Underworld, 2.08.08

50) Freedom High, @ under a bridge on Castlehaven Rd, Camden 2.08.08

51) Miscreation, Aghast, Porkfarm, Fleshrot @ Bullet Bar 08.08.08

52) Kaleb, Empyrial Destroyer, Dead Seed @ The Unicorn 10.08.08

53) Bloodstock Open Air - Day One: Evile, Broken Faith, H.O.D, Tyr, Destruction, Primal Fear, Soulfly, Opeth @ Catton Hall, Derbyshire 15.08.08

54) Bloodstock Open Air - Day Two: Evil Scarecrow, Cloudscape, Witchsorrow, Empyreal Destroyer, Eluveitie, Swallow The Sun, Communic, Blood Island Raiders, Moonsorrow, Naplam Death, Soilwork, Iced Earth, Dimmu Borgir @ Catton Hall, Derbyshire 16.08.08

55) Bloodstock Open Air - Day Three: Crowning Glory, De Profundis, Alestorm, Ravenage, Grand Magus, Mob Rules, Necrosadistic Goat Torture, Kataklysm, Ravens Creed, Ted Maul, Overkill, At The Gates, Nightwish @ Catton Hall, Derbyshire 17.08.08

56) Suffocate Bastard, Inveracity, Beheaded @ Bar Monsta 19.08.08

57) Witchsorrow, Ravens Creed, Turisas @ Barfly 20.08.08

58) Apocalyptic Rage: Hallowed Point, Radical Onslaught, Deceptor, Doctor Death, H.O.D., Amok, Damnas, Nebukadnezza, Mutant, ???? (Sodom cover band), Gama Bomb @ Purple Turtle 23.08.08

59) Aghast @ Cross Kings 24.08.08

60) Young N Hostile, Ahysma, The Cassini Division, Symphony of Pain @ The Unicorn 29.08.08

61) Spearhead, Witchmaster, Impiety @ The Purple Turtle 2.09.08

62) Grave, Nile @ The Underworld 19.09.08

63) Counterpoint, Wayward, Seasons of Six, Burnt Beneath, Carnal Rites @ Purple Turtle 20.09.08

64) Burial, Basement Torture Killings, Abalch, Afgrund @ Bar Monsta 21.09.08

65) Emerald, Kaleb, Snake Eyes @ The Unicorn 27.09.08

66) Sigil, Chewin' Druids, River Freshney, Nebukadnezza @ The Purple Turtle 1.10.08

67) Firebrand Superock, Lay Out The Traps, Thirteen Wolves, Blood Island Raiders @ The Purple Turtle 3.10.08

68) Septic Tank, Blasphetised, Infected Disarray (Tom & Poala's party) @ Bar Monsta 4.10.08

69) The One, Grave Miasma, Glorior Belli @ Bull & Gate 5.10.08

70) The Take Over, Cunt Pig, Bloodwork, Kemakil @ The Unicorn 7.10.08

71) Acid Temple, Bison, Natan @ The Bridge House 2 9.10.08

72) The Gathering of the Clans: Northern Oak, Shallow Intentions, Sokaris, Wodensthrone, Jorvik, Alba Gu Brath, Aesir, Darkest Era, Ravenage, Siluria @ The Victoria Biker's Pub, Coalville, Leics 11.10.08

73) Savage Messiah, Sworn Amongst, Bonded by Blood, Gama Bomb @ The Underworld 14.10.08

74) Ghast, Skaldic Curse @ The Unicorn 17.10.08

75) Slither, Memorial, Punish, Violated, Nocturnus @ The Underworld 18.10.08

76) Infected Disarray, Hail of Bullets @ The Purple Turtle 18.10.08

77) Doctor Death, Lifeless, F.K.U. @ Bar Monsta 19.10.08

78) Bloodshot Dawn, The More I See, Devastation @ Bar Monsta 22.10.08

79) The Drowning, The Prophecy, My Silent Wake @ Bar Monsta 25.10.08

80) Waylander @ The Unicorn 25.10.08

81) Empyreal Destroyer, Eastern Front, Hecate Enthroned @ The Underworld 28.10.08

82) Mastadon, Trivium, Slayer @ Hammersmith Apollo 30.10.08

83) Parasite, Fields of Iaru @ The Unicorn 31.10.08

84) Justonefix, Spitting Blood, Bloodwork, De Profundis @ The Purple Turtle 2.11.08

85) Grailknights, Sabaton, Intense @ The Purple Turtle 5.11.08

86) Krawling Home, Circle of Rage, Anoxia @ The Unicorn 6.11.08

87) Ahysma, Greg(o)rian, Dead Existence, Pombagira @ Camden Rock 8.11.08

88) Brabazon, Isolysis, Hanging Doll, Nemhain, Cloven Hoof, Hi-On Maiden @ The Ruskin Arms 15.11.08

89) When Gods Burn, Carnal Rites, Chaosanct, Blackout @ Nambucca 21.11.08

90) Hades Lab, Cerebral Bore, Amagortis, Human Rejection @ Bar Monsta 22.11.08

91) Nebukadnezza, Descent, The Rotted, Napalm Death @ The Underworld 23.11.08

92) Royal Zen Society, Phyrexia @ The Standard 27.11.08

93) Hard Rock Hell Day 1: JettBlack, Blackhole, Textures, The Plight, Johnny Truant, Cancer Bats, Benedictum, Budgie, Thin Lizzy, Doro @ Pontins, Wales 5.12.08

94) Hard Rock Hell Day 2: Hecate Enthroned, Pig Iron, Cloven Hoof, Warrior Soul, Battlelore, Alestorm, Ravens Creed, Powerquest, Firewind, Blitzkrieg, Orange Goblin, Clutch, Black Label Society @ Pontins, Wales 6.12.08

95) Septic Tank, Anoxia @ The Purple Turtle 9.12.08

96) Symphony of Pain, Greg(o)rian, Avenge Thee, Schist, Liquid Sky @ The Unicorn 13.12.08

97) Let 'Em Burn, Nebukadnezza, De Profundis, Winterfylleth, Sarpanitum, Infected Disarray, Mithras @ Purple Turtle 14.12.08

98) Debauchery, Destruction @ The Underworld 16.12.08

99) Affluenza, Infestation, Virus @ The Rock Attic 20.12.08


Deceptor, Sick to Death, River Freshney, Damnas, Mutant @ The Purple Turtle 22.12.08

101) Ditchcreeper, Decrepit Womb, Visions Through Hate, Porkfarm, Embryonic Depravity, Suhrim @ The Purple Turtle 27.12.08

Saturday, 23 February 2008

My Silent Wake, Nebukadnezza & Drottnar @ Bar Monsta - 23.2.08

These clips seem hardly worth posting up really as they were taken on my mobile I think before I got my vidcam, so they are short and the quality very poor, but here they are anyway.


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