There is no show today, instead here is a picture of some dinner what I ate the other day. It was alright, pretty tasty... if you wait til tomorrow I will upload another photo of said dinner after it's travels through my gastro-intestinal system! Won't that be a treat for you all eh? eh? Nah not really, there is no Fra on today's show as he is suffering the emotional angst and existential ennui of the clocks going back an hour, plus he is haunted by the dark unholy spirit of his abomination wasp/human hybrid lovechild that he spawned with Kieran Ball. After squatting down and retching the thing up from his fetid hindquarters he put it in a sack and threw it in a canal. However every night he hears it buzzing for it's mummy, calling his name and asking plaintively, "Why mummy? Why? Why did you drown me?" And Fra says "I could handle the unearthly hairy hide, bulbous eyes, vestigial wings and the stinger but not that you were a bloody ginger, not strawberry blonde like me"
Yeah anyway I play some metal and talk some bollocks 

This week we are mostly playing -
Hanging Doll
Shub Niggurath
Savage Wizdom
Sodomized Cadaver
Dead Nexus
When Gods Burn
Iron Void
All music used with the kind permission of the bands. All copyrights belong to the bands.
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