Ha ha High Speed Hanogover's got your nose so you better listen to the damned show or you're not getting it back! Also share the link to your friends or it's wedgie time bitches! Or a dead leg or a Chinese burn, I gave my cousin a dead leg once at speedway that we still talk about to this day, it was such a terrific impact like rolling a 1 in Dragon Warriors rpg or a 20 in D+D. I am talking "CRITICAL HIT" mother humpers!! Actually he is half Chinese so maybe a Chinese burn would've been more appropriate....
Oh bollocks another Sunday ruined by those bell ends at HSH podcast GRRRRR!!! We got a new audio splitter for the mics that doesn't bloody work so expect shitty sound quality during the shitty DJ waffling. Not wattling which I think is to do with applying mud to walls and thatched roofs, I could be and usually am, wrong. Like for example Garfield likes lasagna not pizza, he's not a fucking ninja turtle for fucks sake.
Bands on this week's show are -
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