Halloween is here once again my putrid podophiles and once again your beloved DJ Grey has a show for you packed full of Horrific Halloween-y goodness, reeking of pumpkin spice and ready to go bump in the night. This week is the monthly theme show and the theme this month is Horror Movies, which is very appropriate for Halloween I am sure you'll agree. I do a track for at least one horror film per decade going back to the 1890's!! There is a fair number of horror movie facts on this show that are bound to educate, titillate and masturbate you all! (Yes I am aware that makes no sense whatsoever and I don't care, no-one reads this bloody thing anyway!)
With haunting tracks by these horrific bands -
I hope you all enjoyed my Halloween show. Maybe you are interested in the movies and books that I mentioned on the show? Here's some links to things that might interest you related to things that I talked about on the show!
Here's some interesting books on the history of horror movies
Books on Horror film history
And here's links to a couple of books I mentioned in the show
H P Lovecraft
And here's links to a couple of books I mentioned in the show
H P Lovecraft
Psycho by Robert Bloch
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
And here are some of the films that I spoke about on the show
And here are some links to a few of the bands I featured on today's show too
Check out some music on...
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