It's time to play the music
It's time to talk some shite
It's time to meet the Muppets on the High Speed Hangover Podcast Show this afternoon
It's time to put on make up (if that is your thing)
It's time to dress up right
It's time to raise the curtain on the High Speed Hangover Podcast Show this afternoon
To introduce this podcast
That's what I'm here to do
So it really makes me happy
To introduce to you
The 81st, original, genuine, no money back guarantee
High Speed Hangover Podcast Show!
It's time to put on make up (or corpsepaint)
It's time to dress up right
It's time to get things started on the most sensational
Inspirational, celebrational, metal-tational
This is what we call the High Speed Hangover Podcast Show!
Bands on this weeks show are -
Some sound effect/music sources came from -
Check out some music on...
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