Sunday, 28 June 2015

High Speed Hangover Podcast - Show 94

It's our second birthday and for once the DJs aren't the most annoying thing about the show, instead that fucking crackling static has returned in spades and fucks up a shit load of the talking sections!!

Like the Living Death song this could be our Last Birthday as I am getting all a bit jaded and can't really give a fuck about it that much anymore. It's not like more than half a dozen other people really give a shit about the show either, so whatever. Maybe I am just having my man period? Maybe I am just testing to see if anybody actually reads this blurb that I write..... I could say anything really.... Type up my dark confessions.... hmmmmm Nah I am boring, no dark confessions here... anyway blah blah blah, waffle waffle, Ftumch

Bands on this weeks show are -


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