Kathaarsys are a great band from Spain kind of progressive black metal when I 1st saw them but they have incorporated further elements as they have developed. However they have real shitty luck when they play in the UK. I first saw them play at The Bridgehouse II in Canning Town, it was in 2008 I think, the supports weren't too bad, not that extreme exactly but at least reasonable enough in a gothic metal sort of style. Kathaarsys blew me away, in fact they blew everyone in the venue away, the sad part is that there was only me and one other person actually in the place!! And one staff member keeping us both in Guinness.
The next time I saw them was at The Dublin Castle in 2009, the support was totally unmemorable non-metal rubbish. It was a kind of band showcase night with band's bringing their mates along and then pissing off again after they'd played. Kathaarsys went on last and other than a couple of the last band's mates who were finishing their beers I was practically the only one paying them any attention!!
I got a couple of dodgy videos on my old mobile phone, the picture and sound quality is poor
Anyway 3rd time did not prove any luckier for the band. Now a two piece with the drummer replaced by a drum machine, they had the same sort of rubbish, band showcase non-metal support and played their show to another empty room. It was me and the singer from De Profundis watching them and that was it really. Bloody sad but at least the video quality is better now
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