We are back after a Covid enforced lock down with our December show!! This damn virus is making everything a misery right now but lets all keep on rockin' and rollin' to keep our spirits up and get through these dark days. Merry Christmas to all the hip cats, kittens and hound dogs who tune in to our show.
This month's featured label is once again Buffalo Bop with half the tracks coming from acts of that company.
With tracks from -
Rhythm Rangers
Rhythm Rockets
Dub Dickerson
Scotty McKay
Bobby Merrell
John Brim
Harold Shutters
Larry Donn
Walter Brown
Ricky Nelson
Joe Ron & George
Curtis Lee
Dusty Dave & The Heart Attacks
The Four Tophatters
Bobby Wayne
Sat & The Cats
Rudy Hansen
Reggie Perkins
Jack Rabbit Slim
Billy Fury
Ken Davis
Orangie Ray Hubbard
Jimmy Reed
Hoyt Axton
John Faire
Ray Burden
The Sabres
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