First up here's a cool download for you. It's in conjuncture with a battle of the bands competition held in Canada and features a ton of Canadian bands. Go to the Bandcamp to get Wacken Metal Battle Canada Compilation Vol. 5 with tracks by
A Scar For The Wicked, Accostal, Astaroth Incarnate, Behind An Empire, Black Absinthe, The Blackcloud Syndicate, Blastomycosis, Centuries of Decay, The Curse Within, Dahlmers Realm, The Dead Centuries, Death Perception, Dépérir, DistortHead, Dumpster Mummy, Equivalence, Gales of Avalon, Hammerdrone, Heyoka's Mirror, Ice Vinland, In Ruin, Juliet Ruin, King Mammoth, KOSM, Lancaster, Liberatia, Lutharo, Lycanthro, Maitreya, Meet the Mailman, NonHuman Era, Nordheim, Obsidian, Ominous Eclipse, Protosequence, Red Cain, Restless, Skullmace, Sol Runner, Sovereign Council, Subsume, Teach Her Treason, To The Mountains, TRUENT, Tymo, Wasted Heretics and World Class White Trash.
That's a crap load of cool bands you can get a free taster of at the link HERE. Also the previous volumes are available and links to each of the bands pages can be found there.
That's a crap load of cool bands you can get a free taster of at the link HERE. Also the previous volumes are available and links to each of the bands pages can be found there.

From New Zealand we have Thrashers Defetus who formed in 2011 and have EPs from 2015 and 2017 available on their Bandcamp page.
Go download them from HERE
Lastly this Black Metal band Praesepe formed in Poland in 1996 under a different name, they changed it in 2002 and also at some point relocated to London. They have had 5 full albums plus a few demos out in their time and most of them seem to be free or name your price on their Bandcamp page.
Go get them from HERE
Enjoy this great free music and come back next week for links to more awesome free stuff \m/
Make sure you tune in to my podcast too every Sunday \m/
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