Denizen are a Stoner Metal/Rock band from France. They formed in 2003 and so far have 3 albums and a few demo to their names. If you go to their Bandcamp page you can pick up their 2nd full length "Whispering Wild Stories"...
...and an EP from 2017 called "Songs From The Kraken : The Georges Sessions"...
You can also stream their 2015 3rd album "Troubled Waters". The link is HERE. Check 'em out \m/
Then we come to Apoclibbon Doshol a Spanish Black Metal band. It's a solo project with k4dg4r th3 tr0ll on All instruments & vocals! So that's a guy with an unusual name with a band with an unusual name and just check out some of the song titles on their debut full length from 2017 which is called "Nowhere Near Stars"...
and can be downloaded HERE
Lastly here's a Stoner/Sludge band from Bled in Slovenia with the interesting name of Stripeless Zebra! They have an EP from 2014 called "Stripeless" which you can download via their Bandcamp page HERE
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