I have hardly any information about the band for this weeks look into Dem old Tapes, except that they are called Stubborn and the tape is dated 1996. There are a couple of phone numbers on the tape with a Saffron Walden, Essex area code so it's pretty sure they were from that area. They have no Metal Archives page at all that I can see. I would imagine that this got handed to me back when I was putting on gigs at The Braindead Club 20 odd years ago. I can't recall if they ever played at the venue at all. Listening to the tape it's that rap/groove/modern type of metal, not my cup of tea in the slightest. Check it out though and if you have any info let me know I'll update this blog.
rhymes: psi
riffs: tom b
riddims: jk
roots: rob
If anyone from the band happens to see this and is not happy having their old music shared then get in touch and I will take it down.
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