So this week I am talking about one of my favourite demo bands, Warpspeed. I only got to see these guys once in my life which was a real shame cos it was an awesome gig back when I was still young and fit enough to mosh all night. They had 2 demos out in the late 80's and I have played them to death over the years. When I discovered Metal Archives these were one of the 1st bands I looked up and finding that they never had a page I made one on there myself.
The band were a 3 piece with -
Sylvain Pierracini - Bass, Vocals
Lee Turner - Drums
Julian Edwards - Guitars, Vocals
Their 1st demo "Break The Silence" was released in 1988 and had two tracks on it "Broken Silence" and "Overcast". The tape sleeve for this says there is a special appearance on drums by Terry Smith.
Their 1989 demo is called "Distant Screams" and has 3 tracks on it "Parched Grounds" "Stand Still Timus" & "The Nothing Room". Except as mentioned in the video my copy only has the 2 tracks and I am not sure if that is down to a duplication error by the band or by accidentally overdubbing it myself!! If you have a copy of that track then please do get in touch as I'd love to get hold of it.
As you can see from this shot of my YouTube account I went to quite some length to try and locate them, including randomly searching the band members by name on Facebook!!
The song "The Nothing Room" also appears on one of my favourite compilations of all time the excellent "A Taste of Armageddon" which featured a wealth of great UK Thrash bands. I've not checked but I hope all the bands from this album made it onto the new 5 CD UK Thrash box-set that just came out!
I used to write to bands a lot when I 1st got into underground Metal bands and I kept all my letters and here are some scans of a couple of missives I got from Warpspeed, the 1st talks of a gig that they were meant to play just a mile from my house. I remember how excited I was that I was going to see them again and then how disappointed I was when I got to the pub and found out the gig was cancelled. It also mentions the "A Taste of Armageddon" compilation although not by name.
I'd love to see/remember what I wrote to them to know what I said to show my 'enthusiasm' I was probably gushing or something!!
Here's the only other letter I got, this must have been when they sent me the second demo.
Rest assured I did send them the £2 postal order!!
Anyway years later, it must've been late 2017, I get contacted on Facebook as Ian Glasper has written a book all about UK Thrash and it's being released with a 5 CD box-set and no one, not even the band, have copies of Warpspeed's music!! I think they must have seen that I'd posted the songs up on YouTube so that's how they knew to contact me. I was happy to be asked and converted a track to Wav and sent it to Cherry Red records, I was also a bit peeved though as now I might never get that missing track if the band themselves don't even have it!!
I'd heard about the book/CD box-set coming out already as a guy from another cool Thrash band Zeitgeist had already mentioned it to me. I created the Metal Archives page for them as well and posted their tracks up on YouTube too and he thanked me for helping to raise their online profile, which was nice cos they were another Thrash band I loved and I'll do a blog on them sometime soon too.
I was dead chuffed to get the CD Box-set recently thanks to my mate Kev Hole from Holosade sending me a copy of it, thanks mate. I was even more chuffed to see my name on the thanks list for providing the Warpspeed track, I hope it will help them to get more fans or to reawaken old ones, hopefully an old one who has that bloody track I am missing and can send it my way!! Another mate Rob from Kemakil just told me tonight that he name dropped me and my stepson Liam in his section of the book too! So now I have to buy that to see what he said!! ( I was planning to anyway of course!)
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